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Yoga Teacher Training Course

Seller: Yoga Essence Rishikesh

Our 25 days Life Transformational 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course provides a great opportunity and solid platform to experience deep transformations in life with the help of traditional and contemporary yogic practices. The transformations happen at different layers of our existence like body, breath, mind, heart, and consciousness that opens many new dimensions into our life. The process helps to feel refreshed, relaxed, rejuvenated, deeply rested and prepares to gain more clarity in life, seek for deeper truth, and find the answers one has been searching for. This transformational yoga teacher training course will take your yoga and meditation practices to the next level and brings the profound experience of numerous higher yogic techniques and tools. Whatever your reasons or levels of yoga experience, our 200 hour transformational yoga teacher training course will help you to go beyond, and possibly even soar above!