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Woven Wire Filter Cloth

Seller: Boegger Industrial Limited

Woven wire filter cloth has different materials and specifications, also they have various types and applications. You can refer to the below article and know more about them, so that you can find the perfect one for you.
Materials of woven wire filter cloth
The woven wire filter cloth is mainly made of stainless steel and copper.
Stainless steel wire includes SUS 302, 304, 316, 316L and so on.
Copper wire includes the red copper and brass. Mainly is the brass wire.
Specifications of the woven wire filter cloth
Wire diameter: 0.020mm - 2.03mm.
Mesh: 1 mesh - 635 mesh.
Width: 0.5m - 6m.
Shape: round, rectangle, ring, oval, cone.
Weaving method: plain weave, twill weave, plain dutch weave, twill dutch weave.
Packing: waterproof paper and wooden box.