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White Stone And Silver Metal Earrings

Seller: The Fine World

A perfect pick for special occasions, this pair of glitzy White stones in silver color White metal are elegant, sophisticated and very attractive. The drop shaped earrings have a creative design which ends like a cluster of White dots or studs. The brightness of the White stones is complimented by the shine of the silver color metal perfectly. The White stones give the effect of shiny rubies that go well with any style of outfit. These pair of earrings is a fine example of stylish jewelry online. You can wear it for special occasions, party wear or even for festivals. One can also think of them as good artificial jewelry for birthday gift. If you are looking to shop for artificial jewelry that is classic and timeless, this pair of White and silver color White metal is the one to go for, The style and the design is of everlasting style which will not fade with time and remain in fashion later too.