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Wet washing sieve - wash fines without losing sample

Seller: Hulanta Mesh Sieve Company

Deep frame, deep frame with back-up cloth wet washing sieve
Wet washing sieve is a special sieve for wet testing various materials that make it possible to wash the fines through sieve without losing any of the sample. It is manufactured with brass or stainless steel frame and mesh. Including deep frame wet washing sieve, deep frame wet washing sieve with back-up cloth, replaceable mesh wet washing sieve.

A brass wet washing sieve with back up cloth
Brass deep frame wet washing sieve with back up cloth and replaceable mesh
Two different height stainless steel wet washing sieves
Stainless steel deep frame wet washing sieve
Material: stainless steel, brass.
Type of mesh: woven wire.
Sieve diameter: 200mm.
Mesh size: 200 - 325 mesh.
Sieve height: 100mm, 200mm.
Standard: ISO, ASTM, EN, standard.
ISO, ASTM, En standard.
Brass or stainless frame.
Precision sizes.
Totally sealed.