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Web Design Services

Seller: Walnut Folks Pvt Ltd - SEO, Website Development, Social Media, Branding Agency

The truth is that programming complex web applications are difficult. Walnut Folks specialises in working with businesses that have website and app development projects that are too important to fail. Everything we build, we build responsively to optimise function and performance. The way we see it, it’s not just about web design being responsive to mobile devices. It’s a lot more about end users being responsive to your brand, wherever and however they choose to do digital.

Careful planning; flawless programming and tenacious quality assurance work in sync to create a website that will deliver a measurable impact on your business. We think of our Website Development projects as creating cost effective business solutions for you to take over the digital channel. What we offer is a full-circle digital partnership; guidance, collaboration, and execution from conception to completion. We recognise that web design is about so much more than colour, design, and function. It’s about sharing a story worth hearing, spreading a unique vision, and promoting the better choice to the right people.

We partner with you right from help you buy the domain name, web hosting, identifying the right technology to build the website and on and then going on to create the website. We also go on to help with listing the website on various business listing platforms, Google tools like Search Console, Google Analytics to ensure that maintenance of the website is seamless. Our websites rank higher on Search Engines because of the design methodology used.