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Twists plant supports - disassemble or not

Seller: Qiming Plant Supports Company

Twists plant supports for multi-stems flowers and plants

Twists plant supports are made of mild steel wire. The twists plant supports come in two styles. One is made of a overall steel wire, another one is consist of twists top and a stake. They feature twist design on top which allows flowers and plants to grow through the supports. That ensures the plants and flowers grow straightly. The powder coated finish makes it rust resistance in all weather and conditions. It is ideal for multi-stems plants and flowers.

A galvanized overall twists plant support
Overall twists plant supports

A galvanized disassemble twists plant supports
Disassemble twists plant supports

Material: mild steel wire.
Wire diameter: 6mm.
Twist diameter: 5", 14".
Height: 12", 18", 24", 30", 36".
Surface treatment: galvanized or powder coated.
Made of mild steel wire.
Rust resistance.
Quick to install.
Easy to store.
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Twist plant support for plant

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