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Top 5 Boarding Schools In Dehradun

Seller: Top 5 Boarding Schools In Dehradun

Boarding schools are schools where students stay in the school premises during the year. Boarding schools offer a more disciplined and structured environment for students. A boarding school is a place where children from different social backgrounds can live together and learn from each other, which helps them grow as individuals. Dehradun is a city in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand. It is located in the Garhwal region near the foothills of the Himalayas. The city has been a major centre for education since 1847, when it was made capital of United Province. The city has many schools and colleges which offer both traditional Indian and modern international curricula. The schools in Dehradun are well-known for their quality education and their strict discipline. There are many schools in Dehradun that provide a high level of education for students.