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Startup Ecosystem

Seller: Tantra-Gyan (I) Business Solutions

If you are start-up and looking for end-to-end digital solutions for developing your IT ecosystem you should give us a call. We all know digitalization is no more luxury but a bare neccesity in business. We can help you with website development/re-development, ERP solutions, CRM solutions, Virtual office etc. all in an assorted package customized to suit your needs and your pocket! We will understand your requirement, analyse it and suggest solutions just apt to suffice your needs. No unecesary add-ons.

With T-G as your software partner you can rest assured about:

1. Website development and Maintenance.
We will take care of your domain, hosting and appropriate design for your website.
2. SEO Implementation
Don't worry about ranking and foot fall of your website! We will take care of it!
3. Digital Branding and Marketing
Your Business card, Newsletter, mass mailer will be handled by T-G.
4. CRM Tools
Increase your productivity and efficiency with our well designed CRM Tools