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Squash cradle - melon, pumpkin, watermelon support

Seller: Qiming Plant Supports Company

Perfect squash cradle for reducing pests and disease

The squash cradle is also manufactured with polypropylene. It is divide into two styles cradles: melon squash cradle and pumpkin squash cradle. They have the same features with strawberry support. Squash cradle supports melon and pumpkin off the ground and allows air circulate. It creates air flow around the melon and promotes the melon ripening and minimizing rot. Besides, it makes the melon away from soil moisture, bugs and pests and disease. Ideal for cantaloupes, honeydews, small watermelons, pumpkin, etc.

A green melon squash cradle
Melon squash cradle

A green pumpkin squash cradle
Pumpkin squash cradle

Material: polypropylene.
Melon cradle diameter: 5".
Melon cradle height: 4-3/4".
Melon cradle ground spike height: 3-3/4".
Pumpkin and watermelon cradle diameter: 10".
Promotes the fruits ripening.
Increases the air circulation.
Reduces the pests and disease.
Nest for compact off-season storage.
Long-lasting and reusable.
A green melon squash cradle for supporting a melon
Squash cradle for supporting melon

A green pumpkin squash cradle for supporting a pumpkin
Squash cradle for supporting pumpkin