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SPM Machines

Seller: Amrita Thermal Equipment

Special Purpose Machine (SPM) are those machine which are not available off the shelf. These are not Covered in standard manufacturing programs. Therefore those have to be designed & tailor made as Per the customers specific requirements. They are also called as bespoke machines. Always in the production process there is a long felt need to improve the quality of product, minimize rejection and increase the productivity per person, to cater to the pressing circumstances in the globalised world economy.
The Special Purpose Machines (SPM) And Automatic Machines are Designed to Operate Continuously for 24 hours a day, with Minimum Supervision. The Special Purpose Machines are Generally Product Specific & they are Required to be Designed & Developed for each Specific Requirement. Sometimes it May be Possible to Cater to the Jobs having Similar Features but Differing in Dimensions by Using Change Tooling Concept.