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Seller: Accurate Quality Stones

Skirting (Base Boards/ Kick Boards) :-
Skirting is generally a piece of stone covering the lowest part of an interior wall. Its purpose is to cover the joint between the wall surface and the floor.
It covers the uneven edge of flooring next to the wall; protects the wall from kicks, abrasion, and furniture; and can serve as a decorative means.
Kota stone Skirting is much better than its counter-parts (viz. wooden & plastic) because it provides much more durability, reliability, and makes a pair with stone flooring.
Skirting differs from wainscot; a wainscot typically covers from the floor to around 1-1.5m high (waist or chest height), whereas a baseboard is typically just up to 0.2m high (ankle height)
Uses of Skirting :-
1. To hide the gaps between the wall and the floor.
2. To protect the walls from scratches and scuffs.
3. To hide unsightly wiring.
4. Damage Prevention.
5. Aesthetic value.
6. To provide a decorative element to the room.