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Segals Advanced Hair Supplement

Seller: Stuff n Style

Segals Advanced Hair Supplement: A dedicated Supplement meant for stimulating hair-cell metabolism and strengthening the connective tissue providing a focussed nutrition for the hair-root to not only grow back lost hair but also to restore hair to its natural colour and strength. It has no chemicals or drugs and has no reported side-effects. It has no chemicals/drugs and can be taken for as long as one wishes, as a preventive or a curative regimen without any fear working on the mind, even after the hair/scalp issue has been resolved completely. For Best Results, use alongwith the Segals Advanced Scalp Formula / Segals Hair Root Formula and a Shampoo and Conditioner from the Segals Solutions range, according to hair/scalp type.

Suggested Dosage: One capsule per day for preventive/maintenance cases or initial hair loss cases and two capsules per day for prolonged hair loss and thinning hair cases, always after meals.

Ingredients: Saw-Palmetto-10 mg, Kelp-150 mg, Stinging Nettle-115 mg, Fo Ti-150 mg and Silica (Aqueous Horsetail Extract)-75 mg.

Pack Size: 60 Capsules (usually lasts 2 months)

Rs. 1740.00