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Scfe Co2 Extracted Black Seed Oil

Seller: Ozone Naturals

Black Seed Oil derived from the Nigella sativa (black cumin) is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to south and southwest Asia, Northern Africa and India. The oil is obtained by extracting its dried seed through the process of Super Critical Fluid Extraction green technology method. The black seed oil taste like a combination of onions, black pepper, and oregano. They have a pungent, bitter taste and smell. The obtained light yellow to brownish liquid consists of various components namely, thymoquinone, sitosterol, arachidonic, folic, linoleic, linolenic, myristic, oleic, palmitic, palmitoleic and stearic acids. Presence of such chemicals makes Black pepper oil best for medicinal and culinary uses. It is used to therapeutic benefits, Studies suggest that this oil may offer many health and cosmetic benefits, such as aiding weight loss, improving skin conditions, and even treating cancer and diabetes.