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Rotation Resistant & Non-rotating Steel Wire Ropes

Seller: Amber Steel Wire Rope Company

Steel Wire Ropes for Spin & Rotation Resistance

A rotation resistant steel wire rope is placed on the ground
Rotation resistant wire rope is composed of multi-layers of strands for minimizing the tendency to spin and rotation.
Rotation resistant wire rope refers to a series of steel ropes which minimizes the tendency to spin or rotation under load. These wire ropes boast special design - the outer layer is twisted in the reverse direction of inner layers for counteracting torsional forces generated from multi-layers of strands.
To achieve the resistance against the spin and rotation, all wire ropes are composed of at least two layers of strands. In general, more layers a rotation resistant wire rope has, more resistance it will boast. For example, 2-layer ropes is much easier to spin and rotate than 3-layer ones. Meanwhile, if one end of free rotation is allowed, 2-layer rope can only develop 55% to 75% of its breaking strength comparing with 95% to 100% of 3-layer ropes.
According to characteristics of rotation resistant wire ropes, three categories are supplied by our company to suit your different needs:
Cross section of spin resistant steel wire rope
Spin resistant 2 layers & 8 to 10 outer strands
Cross section of rotation resistant steel wire rope
Rotation resistant 2 layers & 11 to 13 outer strands
Cross section of non-rotating-steel wire rope
Non-rotating 3 layers & 14 or more outer strands
Normally, 2-layer spin and rotation resistant wire ropes can meet your needs of low and medium rotation resistance.
The 3-layer rope with more outer strands is capable to distribute more radial pressure onto inner layers and ideal for larger mobile such as all tower cranes.
Serving as single part lines.
Whip hoist ropes.
Deck crane ropes.
Off shore crane ropes.
Pillar crane ropes, etc.
Surface: bright or galvanized finish.
Lay style: regular or lang lay as your requirements.
Available with plastic impregnated.
Outer strands: 5 to 20 strands.
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-187 wsc
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-197 wsc
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-197C
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-1919S
RWR-1919 S
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-1919C
RWR-1919 C
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-327WSC
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-327C
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-357WSC
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-357C
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-357P
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-357CP
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-1925F
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-28
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-28P
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-29
Cross section of rotation resistant rope RWR-29P
Wire ropes with 8 to 10 strands & 2-layer constructions without reversely twisted inner strands have very similar appearance to rotation resistant wire ropes, but they are not.
Rotation resistant wire ropes are considered to be less stable needing to be handled and installed with great care. They must be taken to avoid high loads with small diameter sheaves.
To avoid lay disturbances of the outer strands, it is recommended to ensure ends of the rope are seizes tightly, welded or brazed.