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Polyurethane Dewatering Screen with Narrow Slot Opening

Seller: Antiwear Polyurethane Screen Mesh Co., Ltd

Polyurethane Dewatering Screen - Specially for Dewatering

Polyurethane dewatering screen is a type of screens made of steel frame and polyurethane surface. This structure ensure the high tensile strength and much better wear resistance than the woven vibrating screen mesh and perforated vibrating screen nesh.

A piece of yellow polyurethane dewatering screen on the white background.
Polyurethane dewatering screen is mainly used for dewatering of sand and gravel
Polyurethane dewatering screen is also called polyurethane slot screen because of the narrow slot openings. The narrow slot opening is as fine as 0.1mm, which makes the screen have high efficiency and accurate dewatering performance.

The polyurethane dewatering screen is widely used to assist in dewatering of materials. Additional, it can also provide a ramp which helps to maximize screen washing capabilities.

Material: steel frame and polyurethane surface.
Thickness: 30mm, 45mm, 50mm.
Opening size:
Width: 0.1mm - 2.5mm.
Length: 4mm - 16mm.
Screen width: 305mm, 500mm and 515mm.
Screen length: 305mm, 610mm, 650mm, 915mm, 1200mm and 1220mm.
Connection type:
Rose nail.
Trim strip.
Rail support.
Color: red, yellow and any other colors you want.
Polyurethane dewatering screen specification table
Item Panel width (mm) Panel length (mm) Thickness (mm) Slot width (mm) Slot length (mm)
APD-01 305 305 30 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-02 305 305 45 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-03 610 305 30 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-04 610 305 45 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-05 610 305 50 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-06 650 500 50 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-07 915 305 30 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-08 1200 305 30 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16
APD-09 1220 515 40 0.1 - 2.5 4 - 16Two pieces yellow polyurethane dewatering screens with two bolts on them.
Polyurethane dewatering screen bolts connection type.
Two pieces of red polyurethane dewatering screens with two rose nail on them.
Polyurethane dewatering screen rose nail connection type.
Two pieces of polyurethane dewatering screens with one trim strip on it.
Polyurethane dewatering screen trim strip connection type.
Two pieces of red polyurethane dewatering screens with one positive and the other negative.
Polyurethane dewatering screen rail support connection type.
Wear and abrasion resistance.
High efficiency.
High tensile strength. Steel frame added to strengthen the tensile strength.
Lightweight and easy to install.
Various connection types to fit different machines.
Low noise.
Long service life.
Polyurethane dewatering screen can provide a ramp which helps to maximize screen washing capabilities.
Polyurethane dewatering screen is mainly used for dewatering and dehydration for various materials.