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Non destructive Testing NDT Level 2 Course in Bihar Jharkhand Jamshedpur

Seller: National Technical Institute NTI

NDT stands for Non-Destructive Testing is a vast topic of analysis techniques applied in science and technology fields to evaluate the properties of a material, component, system and channel. There are many terms are used in NDT like- NDE (Non-Destructive Examination), NDI (Non-Destructive Inspection), NDE (Non- Destructive Evaluation); those all are integral parts of NDT. Mainly, National Technical Institute (NTI) provides this faculty to the acquirers in a supersonic way where they acquires their requirements with NDT training how to save both time and money in product evaluation, troubleshooting and exploration.

Course Content:
Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT)
Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Radiography Testing (RT)

For more information please contact 07033179118 / 09204126345 or visit