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Night hub, IMPERIAL ULTRA, Big Shot

Seller: Royal Supreme Distilleries and Breweries

Created by blending the finest Scotch malts with the best-chosen grain spirits, Royal Night Hub is an impeccable blend of classic flavors that will live up to your spirits expectations. The no age statement drink delivers a glass of classic blends with a much superior magnitude not just by its price but its quality!

Royal Big Shot is a premium whiskey with a potent, smooth flavor of blended malt scotch comprising the finest grains. Keep the glass in your bar collection or drink it in your house and let the royal big shot make you enjoy your special time together with a chilled royal big shot whiskey.

The lavish taste of the Royal's Imperial Ultra made with handpicked ingredients is one that will never fail to amuse your senses. It's a blend of grain spirits and classic scotch malts is made using the highest standards of distilleries and a special process to help it reach its full potential.