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Neuro Reiki -2nd Degree Workshop

Seller: Nityatatva Wellness Centre Pvt. Ltd.

This is the game at an intuitive plane. Here, 3rd eye chakra is attuned at an advance level. It increases your intuitive level and enables you to go beyond time and space. At this level, you are provided with 3 symbols which enables you to connect to your subject beyond time and space. Also, magnify your healing potential. You can heal people who are not present in front of you (Absentee Healing). You can heal situations of Past. You can time this healing energy for future events.

At 2nd degree level, your healing power increases 4 times when compared to 1st Degree. This increase in power when accompanied by Pranic Mudras, the results are amazing.

At this level, you are trained to use Reiki in your healing session. You are further trained on techniques to get rid of your inner fears, phobias; Creating Anchors to get into desired state of mind instantly.