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Medilin is one of the leading Indian manufacturer of Disposables Gown , Surgical Gown and Reusable Gown in linens. OT Gown , Baby Kits

Seller: Medilin is one of the leading Indian manufacturer of Disposables Gown , Surgical Gown and Reusable Gown in linens. OT Gown , Baby Kits

As one of the leading Indian manufacturer of disposables and reusable linens, Medi-Lin offers a complete line of protective apparels & many surgical and patient care products to cater to the healthcare, high-tech and scientific industries.
"As one of the leading Indian manufacturer of disposables and reusable linens, Medi-Lin offers a complete line of protective apparels & many surgical and patient care products to cater to the healthcare, high-tech and scientific industries.

Medi-Lin , being one of the largest producers of these medical consumables, is specialized in the production of disposable medical masks and other protective apparels such as headwear, footwear, protective gowns, face mask, drapes, mop, pads and customized kits for comprehensive infection prophylaxis.

As one of the leading Indian manufacturer of disposables and reusable linens, Medi-Lin offers a complete line of protective apparels & many surgical and patient care products to cater to the healthcare, high-tech and scientific industries.

Medi-Lin , being one of the largest producers of these medical consumables, is specialized in the production of disposable medical masks and other protective apparels such as headwear, footwear, protective gowns, face mask, drapes, mop, pads and customized kits for comprehensive infection prophylaxis."