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Medilin is leading Indian Manufacturer of Lab Coats Aprons Buy Doctor Apron & Lab Coat for Hospital, Medical Colleges, Nursing Home, Laboratories and more/

Seller: Medilin is leading Indian Manufacturer of Lab Coats Aprons Buy Doctor Apron & Lab Coat for Hospital, Medical Colleges, Nursing Home, Laboratories and

"MEDi-Lin is one of the leading Indian Manufacturer of Doctor's Apron and Lab Coats.
Doctors Apron and Lab Coats for Medical Colleges, Hospitals, Laboratories, Nursing homes and etcThe standard of the products caters to the needs of healthcare, scientific and high-tech industries.

Medi-Lin has established itself as a company in the healthcare industry that manufactures medical consumables while specializing
in disposable medical masks and protective apparel like medical apron, protective gowns, drapes, headwear, facemask, footwear, pads, mops and customized kits.
We also provide apron for students in different styles and sizes.
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