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Laboratory sieve for particle size analysis

Seller: Hulanta Mesh Sieve Company

Sieve for laboratory quality inspection department
Laboratory sieve also named laboratory test sieve is a precision measuring instruments for particle size analysis in laboratory. It is manufactured based on the strict requirements different sample test. In order to make the sieve anti-acid and anti-alkali, it uses the stainless steel or brass material. This sieve provides the high precision and accurate test size, widely used in laboratory and quality inspection department.

Different mesh open stainless steel lab sieve
6 different mesh open woven wire mesh lab sieve
Different mesh open brass lab sieve
Material: stainless steel 304, 304L, 316, 316L, brass.
Out Diameter: 75mm, 100mm, 200mm, 300mm, 350mm, 400cm.
Height: 3.5cm - 10cm.
Technical: plain woven, perforated holes.
Hole shape: square or round.
High precision, accurate mesh.
Acid and alkali resistance.
High temperature resistance.
Ideal for all kinds of powders and particle.
Easy to clean.
Long time use.
Many stainless steel lab sieves in stock
Lab sieve in stock
Many stainless steel lab sieves packing with plastic cloth in wooden carton
Lab sieves packed in wooden carton
Used in scientific laboratories and quality inspection departments.
Used in metallurgy, powder and ultra-fine and liquid particle size analysis.
Used for ultra-light and ultra-fine solid liquid particle size analysis.