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Knee Replacement Surgery

Seller: Orthosehat

A knee replacement surgery also called arthroplasty is a very common procedure in which a doctor removes the painful knee and replaces it with an artificial one.

Generally, a knee replacement is required when the hinge joint in the knee is entirely or partially damaged and hinders your basic activities like running, walking, resting or even bending of the knee.

One of the major reasons for the surgery is osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, gout or a major injury in the knee portion. Although the surgeon will only recommend this when all the other means of treatment like physiotherapy, injection, plasters, and arthroscopy fails to cure the problem.

The knee replacement surgery has evolved with time and there are two kinds of knee replacement surgery that are carried out depending upon the degree of damage, these are:

Partial (half) knee replacement Surgery: Only one side of your joint is replaced in a smaller operation which makes it a quick process and in-turn a smaller hospital stay.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery: In this, both the sides of the knee joint are replaced, which is comparatively a longer process

Total knee replacement is more common than partial knee replacement since there are some risks with the partial knee replacement.

Almost all age groups can have knee replacement surgery, since it is completely safe and secure, although the knee replacement is very common in the people of the age group 60-80 years.

Usually, the knee replacement like any other surgery is performed either under general anesthetic in which you are asleep for the entire duration while in some cases you might be given a spinal anesthetic.

As clear it is from its name during the procedure, your torn knee bones are replaced with metal or plastic parts of the same shape and size as your original bones.

A recent study suggests that more than 90% of patients experience a tremendous improvement in pain and stiffness after their Knee Replacement Surgery.

Since it is a critical and very complex process, the best knee replacement surgeon must be appointed a surgeon who regularly performs such surgeries.