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Mumbai | New Delhi | Chennai


Industrial Canteen, Industrial canteen contractors,

Seller: Alkush Industries

Alkush Hospitality is a hospitality service-oriented venture .We offer dedicated support structure of Industrial Canteen facilitates efficiency across all facets of hospitality service development and operations. We believe in providing single-source solutions for being as professional caterers of our valued clients.We are expert in Catering in Corporate, Catering in Manufacturing plants, Catering in Government, Catering in Education Institution. We are known for delivering a unique flavour of our hospitality that offers world-class refinement while remaining deeply rooted in its local heritage. Alkush Hospitality offers guests the refined luxury of food combined with effortlessly efficient service and local expertise to create a moment to remember. In India, Alkush Hospitality are strategically building its presence to offer our experience in business hubs, industrial towns and metropolises.