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IGrow - Hands Free Laser Hair Growth System

Seller: Stuff n Style

The iGrow® patented, hands~free, convenient and private in~home hair growth system provides full scalp coverage, is fully portable, easy to use and requires no manual movement. iGrow® incorporates proprietary dual light Laser and LED design. Equipped with headphones and an iPod/MP3 interface, the iGrow is a convenient and highly effective Low~Level Light Therapy LLLT system that enables significant hair growth.

Low Level Light Therapy LLLT is a highly effective hair growth treatment process. LLLT increases cellular activity and promotes the proliferation of thick, full and healthy hair. The absorption of light delivered via an acute and measured wavelength 655 nm promotes hair growth. iGrows patented 51 light diodes deliver a unique and highly effective combination of Low Level Laser and LED Light for optimum hair growth.