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HR Tech & Covid19 Pandemic Book

Seller: American Business Association Inc

"Innovation comes in installment, only innovators with the highest level of patience can do
justice to their respective idea which he/she wish to convert into any kind of product."
Anim Akhtar Ali Khan

The book will change the way you currently think about HR Tech, HireKhan is like a university of HR.

HR Tech & Covid-19 Pandemic book is the crowning achievement which is achieved by our
team lead by me.

It took 4 years to complete product which is based on research and survey
conducted with thousands of job seekers & employers worldwide based on current
functioning of HR Industry and what they would love to see in the next big.COM pertaining to HR Tech.

One of the most important aspect was to keep in mind, changing mindset of job seekers &
other HR Tech platforms. The government policies, corporate data policy all were considered before completion of

HireKhan will give credibility & equal opportunity to every human to find a job if the intent is there to work.

Millions of job seekers can get job who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19 Pandemic.

HireKhan is a genuine effort to bring all HR Tech platforms under one roof to make HR Tech- One World One Platform and make a difference to society through enhancement of Job

HireKhan provides real time updated profiles & use of Artificial Intelligence to get candidates as per the job description.