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Hotel management institute in vikaspuri

Seller: best hotel management institute in Delhi

Established in 2001, Kalakriti Academy NCT. Govt. approved functioning under Kalakriti Social and Educational Society is a premier skill development institute. Roomy infrastructure, air- conditioned halls, experienced faculty and professional course curriculum sets us apart. We have trained more than 6000 students so far and our student have outshone in every sphere of their life. We have advanced professional certified courses in Cooking and Baking, Fashion Designing, Professional Makeover and self grooming, Trousseau packing. Our founder, Mrs. Alka Jain, has been dedicated training students for the last 15 years. She is a B.Sc. degree holder in Catering Science and Hotel Management. She has judged many cooking competitions and has also conducted workshops for prestigious institutions like PepsiCo, Big Bazaar, Aviva, Skill Hippo and likes. Also she has recorded numerous TV shows which have been aired on various TV Channels. We help you to turn your talent into a skill for life. Join us today to feel the difference.