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Flying Fox Kikar

Seller: Flying Fox

"Flying Fox Kikar - Zipline Adventure Activity

Located within a Jungle resort, The Kikar Lodge, near Chandigarh and Ludhiana, is the longest zipline tour in South Asia operated to international standards

The Zip tour

More than 1500 metres of zip wires make Flying Fox Kikar the longest zip-line tour in South Asia, along with the distinction of being the first forest-based zip-line adventure in India. Built over the Shivalik Hills, Flying Fox in Kikar takes you over canopies of forested valleys. Over the course of our 5 zip-lines here, you get to skim the treetops and take some serene treks through the beautiful jungle.

Flying Fox Tip: An early morning zip-tour would increase your chances of spotting some wildlife, such as a Cheetal or a Sambar, and you can then head back to the Kikar Lodge for a delicious meal.

Getting there and away

Kikar Lodge is the perfect adventure destination for a day out or weekend away from Chandigarh, Ludhiana or Jalandhar. Our office is located inside the Lodge, in Ropar district near the village of Nurpur Bedi; 90 minutes drive from Chandigarh, 2 hours drive from Ludhiana or Jalandhar. To get there by car search for ""Flying Fox - Kikar"" on google maps, but once you reach Nurpur Bedi it's better to follow the road signs to the lodge.

The low down on our high wires

Zip 1: Trap Door (315m): experience the ground drop away as this spectacular wire sends you soaring over a deep valley

Zip 2: Fly-by (400m): Top Gun pilots couldn't buzz the ridge this close as you fly our longest wire over two valleys

Zip 3: Chhota Wallah (120m): short but sweet, crossing a deep jungle valley with views of the Shivalik Hills in the distance

Zip 4: Leopard's Leap (270m): a superb zip line, busting out from the jungle and flying over a hidden temple along the way

Zip 5: The Exhibitionist (315m): this zip doesn't just take you home, it lands you at the party - don't forget to strike a pose for the punters at the bar!