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Flour sieve for cake baking, bread, pizza dough, cake cookies

Seller: Hulanta Mesh Sieve Company

Perfect for baking room, kitchen and coffee shop
Because the flour form easily large particles during process and store. The flour sieve can make flour fine and uniform and combine eggs and butter better. preventing caking and improve the bulkiness. Besides, it can be also used for screening the debris in flour. Ideal for cake baking, bread, pizza dough, cake cookies, etc.

Two stainless steel flour sieve on table
Flour sieve
A people uses a stainless steel flour sieve for fine flour
Flour sieve for making flour fine
Material: stainless steel.
Sieve thickness: 1.2mm, 1.5mm.
Sieve diameter: 150 - 300mm.
Sieve height: 50mm.
Sieve mesh: 30 mesh, 40 mesh, 50 mesh, 60 mesh.
Color: silver.
Beautiful appearance.
Strong and durable.
Easy to clean.
Not necessary to wash it every time, just pat it tightly after using.
If need to wash, ensure the all the flour away the sieve, dry the sieve, then put it in a dry ventilated place.
Ensure the sieve dry and clean before using.
Keep it away oil and other corrosive liquids.
Sharp and rough tools are not used to clean sieve.