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Fintech & Covid 19 Pandemic Book

Seller: American Business Association Inc

“Innovation comes in installment, only innovators with the highest level of patience can do justice to their respective idea which he/she wish to convert into any kind of product.” - Anim Akhtar Ali Khan

The book will change the way we think about our financial ecosystem, Fintech & Covid-19 Pandemic is the crowning achievement which is achieved by our team which was led by myself. Our vision was to create a socio-economic impact financial product that would enhance any global financial ecosystem & also would be available on the website, mobile apps.

It took 7 years to complete the fintech product Fundacle, which was started with the brand name Labsinnova in 2015 and the brand name was changed to efundbook in 2018 finally the vision came for the conclusion in the brand name and it was changed to Fundacle – Acle (Means Three) of Funds. One of the most important aspects was to keep in mind changing technology in the making of the product which took 7 years, we moulded our thought process with every technology & political change globally. Fundacle has the power to change the destiny of any economy worldwide, the best part of the majority of the public, Fundacle is Free.

Billions of people globally will take advantage of Fundacle in decades and centuries to come. Fundacle is an effort to divide the global industry into 850 business verticals so every industry get a fair chance to gets funded irrespective they are based in Tier 1, 2 , 3 Cities, also Fundacle would bring all scattered data into one single platform globally so that ideas are not limited locally to your country, you could get funded by anyone globally.

Fundacle would be FDI Gateway to most of the countries building business trust.