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Facade Design

Seller: Replica Virtuals Pvt Ltd

Facade Design
Facades and Buildings Envelopes
Facades and building envelopes - which form the outer skins of buildings - project image and creative intent. Increasingly, they are also understood as important environmental moderators and key influencers in project risk and commercial success. A thoughtfully designed skin can make a new building work more effectively for its owners, occupants and environment. It can also transform the performance of an existing building. REPLICA VIRTUALS has been offering Facade consultation services to the Architecture and Real-estate industry since 1985. In its course of history, REPLICA VIRTUALS has helped in giving an image to several real-estate projects in India. We can enhance a basic building elevation provided by you and even design a fresh elevation design for your project. A thorough exercise done on the elevation design at the initial stage will save a great amount of efforts and cost later on.