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Education Counselling


Astute Academy guarantees
MBBS admission in India without donation for NEET qualified candidates.
Currently the Government, Private and Deemed university admissions are underway.
Astute Academy Guarantees admission anywhere in India for any one of
Government, Private or Deemed Universities based upon the NEET marks. Astute
Academy do not guarantee any specific institute, state or specific Fee
structure institute.
Astute Academy is India's only Academy which Guarantees
Engineering admissions purely on merit without donation. This is part of
anti-donation campaign so all admissions fond purely on Merit and student to
pay fees as per Government regulations.
Astute Academy also
guarantees MD admission in India.
Students fails to get admits due lack of knowledge about admission
process. To overcome the same issue, Dr. Tushar Vinod Deoras with 25
years of Rich Career Counseling Experience, provides free counseling to
students and parents as part of Anti-Donation Campaign across India. Students
and parents Across India can meet Dr. Tushar Vinod Deoras in person or through
Video-conferencing with Prior appointment.