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Education Consultancy

Seller: Titanium Education Consultants

Titanium Education Consultants (TEC) is the one stop solution for providing specialized foreign education services for mbbs in foreign countries. TEC provides information regarding higher education in various countries such as UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, China, Philippines and much more mci recognised medical colleges abroad. Our organization aims to bridge the gap between the student’s desire and their educational endeavours. Our experienced and qualified teams of counsellors are committed to providing you with the best admission guidance and career counselling so you make the most informed decisions to foster your aspirations. At TEC, personalized services help the students to identify the educational institution that befits their profile and areas of interest. We take care of the complete application process, freeing the students from all the hassles. Our counsellors have been trained by international experts to guide students professionally in selecting the right course at the ideal university. The experienced counsellors guide the students and their parents on the entire process of studying abroad right from selecting a course and the preferred institution, to ensuring that the students reach their chosen destination safely. Having the best consulting team with their prior knowledge in working with best college for mbbs in abroad and also the requirements of Indian students, can correlate and give proper advice on the exact location and course to be taken up.