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Diamond sieve offers rapid and accurate diamond size

Seller: Hulanta Mesh Sieve Company

Fixed or interchangeable plate sieve
A set interchangeable plate diamond sieve
Interchangeable plate diamond sieve
Diamond sieve made of stainless steel or nickel etched plate is professional and high precision diamond measuring tool. It meets the stick requirements of diamond industry and can provide a rapid and very accurate size of diamond. This diamond sieve includes fixed plate and interchangeable plate. The fixed plate sieve diameter is available in 200mm or 8 inches in full or half height. They can be used easily by nest. Interchangeable plate sieve diameter is only 200mm in half height.

Material: stainless steel or nickle plate.
Sieve diameter: 200mm or 8 inches.
Mesh type: perforated round holes.
Height: 50mm (full) or 25mm (half height).
Piece number: 19.
Diamond Sieve Size Table
Plate Number Hole Diameter (mm) Hole Pitch (mm)
DS-1 1.09 2.54
DS-2 1.32 2.54
DS-3 1.47 2.54
DS-4 1.78 3.14
DS-5 1.83 3.14
DS-6 2.16 3.78
DS-7 2.46 3.78
DS-8 2.52 3.78
DS-9 2.85 4.4
DS-10 3.28 5.04
DS-11 3.45 5.04
DS-12 4.09 6.32
DS-13 4.52 6.32
DS-14 4.75 6.32
DS-15 5.41 7.6
DS-16 5.74 7.6
DS-17 6.35 8.84
DS-18 7.93 10.36
DS-19 10.31 12.7
ISO, BS, EN standard.
Fixed or interchangeable plate.
High precision measuring instruments.
High accurate aperture.
Used easily.