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Mumbai | New Delhi | Chennai


CCTV Camera

Seller: Aura Business Solutions

With over multiple years of in-house knowledge and expertise in both CCTV & IT technologies, we have been accredited by some of the leading manufacturers
in our fields We are at the forefront of technology, constantly reviewing and testing new products as well as designing and building our own solutions.
We class customer satisfaction as a paramount responsibility no matter how small or large the job. All our installation services come with technical support,
so we are giving 24/7 support.

The CCTV surveillance will help you achieve control over employee and customer theft, false accident claims, work productivity, premise liability and most importantly
your bottom line. We have vast experience in designing, installing and maintaining CCTV systems from simple video surveillance systems for small shops and business
premises to large complex projects such as multi site, centrally monitored and high profile buildings.IP based CCTV is new era of technologies where all challenges can
meet in surveillance system. We are unique in CCTV technology i n both IP and analog system. As per the police and consultancy rule our engineers are capable
to design the proper system for any organization to meet their business requirements.