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Cash for Diamonds-Gold Buyers

Seller: Sona Cash for Gold, Cash for Gold in Noida, Gold Buyer in Noida, Sell My Gold in Noida | 8383930310

Necklaces,Bracelets, Earrings and Rings
Certified Diamonds Solitaire
New And Used Diamond Jewelry
All Kinds Of Diamonds Items

We, at SONA CASH FOR GOLD help our customers by providing:
1) The customer will bring their Old/New/ Unusable, Unwanted Gold Jewellery items coins, etc.
2) The customer is then taken to a personalized secure cabin wherein 24karat trained Gold/Silver experts will value the customer’s gold items and check for its purity.
3) Testing is done using the KARATMETER
4) After testing and evaluation, the Gold/Silver Experts will give you the Highest quote possible.
5) Get your Gold encashed for “Highest Value Paid”.