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Business Trust & Covid 19 Pandemic Book

Seller: American Business Association Inc

"Innovation comes in installment, only innovators with the highest level of patience can do
justice to their respective idea which he/she wish to convert into any kind of product."
- Anim Akhtar Ali Khan

airs number / A-I-R-S Number

The book will change the way we think about Business Trust, Credit Rating and Global Politics. Business Trust & Covid-19 Pandemic is the crowning achievement which is achieved by our team and was led by me.

Our vision was to create a socio-economic impact business trust product that would enhance the current business ecosystem globally.

It took 2 years to complete American IRS®??? product which is based on research and survey conducted with thousands of actual businesses, lenders, importers & exporters.

One of the most important aspects was to keep in mind, changing mindset of customers, banks, brokers & actual business owners approach towards business post Covid-19. American IRS®??? will give credibility to any business globally to showcase their products in the global market and get good business credit in terms of finance/importer trust.

Millions of businesses globally will have a positive impact through the American IRS®???
Business A-1-R-S Number™??? and Covid-19 Business Continuity Plan.

American IRS®??? is a genuine effort to bring every business globally under a unique alphanumeric number Business A-1-R-S Number™??? which can provide all business data for review and make the world a single business community.

American IRS Credit Enhancement consultancy service would provide real-time analysis to review any business performance.

Anim Akhtar Ali Khan is a Chairman at American Business Association Inc. Have worked in 7 Countries in a senior management role, with banking & consulting experience of 22 Years. In total 11 years have developed four tech platforms. Fundacle – Fintech, HireKhan – HR Tech, American IRS – Information Rating and PerPayment - Global Ad Network. He has the vision to use technology to create socio economic impact products which would spread happiness in billions of families, his belief is that the ultimate happiness anyone can get is looking at your family financially taken care of & children getting the best education possible.

American Business Association Inc