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Boarding School in Mussoorie

Seller: Boarding Schools in Mussoorie

2. Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School is one of the most prestigious boarding schools in India.
GNFC is known for providing the finest boarding and lodging facilities with well-built dormitories.
Affiliated to C.I.S.C.E, admissions to the school is open to all. Its vision is to develop good moral
character of the student rather than focussing on caste, creed or religion. The campuses for boys and
girls are separate with equal and best facilities including running tracks, cricket fields,
basketball court and table tennis tables. The school offers various curricular activities
and competitions. Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School values healthy lifestyle and therefore,
provide the students wholesome balanced meals, adequate facilities to play games and
exercise regularly for overall development of its students.