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Best eye specialist in rohini

Seller: best eye specialist in rohini

Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a renowned Ophthalmologist practising in Pitampura area of Delhi. He is the founder of Bajaj Eye Care Centre, a centre equipped with ultra modern facilities that provides solutions to a wide range of eye ailments. The centre known for its professional excellence is present on the panel of leading insurance companies, Govt. Organizations and majority of TPA's for Cashless Mediclaim Facilities.Dr. Bajaj is an MBBS graduate from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi. He further pursued post graduation MS in Ophthalmology from Delhi University which involved the study of the anatomy, physiology and detailed study of the surgical problems of the eyes.

Prior to independent practice, Dr. Bajaj served at Safdarjang Hospital, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital and Sant Parmanand Hospital which have been his immense sources of experience in the ophthalmic field. He later established Bajaj Eye Care Centre which caters to patients from Delhi and NCR.As a part of surgical education, Dr. Bajaj has demonstrated live surgery of MICS in national level conferences. He is among the first few doctors to incorporate advanced technology such as MICS, Phaco surgery and Lasik Surgery in his practice.


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