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Best Dentist in Aundh

Seller: AV Dental clinic - Best children Dental Clinic in Aundh

Dr. Ashvini Phadnis
Pediatric dentist practicing at AV children Dental Clinic. She has 14 years experience in the field of dentistry . She has graduated (B.D.S.) from KLE dental college, Belgaum and completed her post graduation in M. A. Rangoonwala Dental College Pune . She has received BEST PAPER PRESENTATION AWARD in 2015 at National conference. She is also working as consultant Pediatric dentist at ONP hospitals, Pune . She has done advance dental treatment as smile designing, endodontic treatment, management of special children, conscious sedation and general anesthesia procedures. She speaks English, Marathi , Kannada and Hindi. Best Children Dental Specialist in Aundh