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Assured Rentals

Seller: Chandigarh Property Management Solutions

We are proud of the fact that over the past 7 years we have built up a very large and strong portfolio of properties, that we manage throughout the Tri-City region covering Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali. We have a wealth of experience and expertise, which has been gained over the years in the industry. We provide all our clients with a platform that provides you with tailormade solutions best fitting your requirement.

We are a Letting & Management Company void from the distraction of other interests and remain focused on the job at hand. We offer our property management solutions, to allow our owners full mental peace We match suitable tenants to suitable properties in the least possible time, ensuring that we offer our owners zero rental loss, whenever possible.

On an average our properties are occupied within 15 days of marketing & advertising resulting in your investment to bear fruit, there is one thing you can be sure of, that is Assured Rentals here everyone makes 100% effort in securing your interest.