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Arthritis Treatment

Seller: Orthosehat

As the cartilage between a joint is torn away (due to various reasons), stiffness and pain are developed in that area; this condition is generally referred to as Arthritis. Arthritis Management helps in reducing joint inflammation, preventing joint damage, reducing pain and improving the quality of life by diagnosing and managing Arthritis.

Arthritis is a broad term that covers around 100 diseases related to the joints in our body. Arthritis basically represents Joint Inflammation that occurs due to the body’s natural reactions to any sort of disease or injury. Arthritis is a very common problem throughout the world and any person irrespective of their age can have it, whereas it is mainly seen in adults who are in their mid-40s or so.

There are two major types of Arthritis:

Rheumatoid Arthritis
During arthritis, the cartilage (a smooth, spongy material that covers the bones of a joint to make it move smoothly without pain) and synovium gets depleted. Due to this depletion of cartilage and synovial fluid a lot of friction occurs when we move the joint-bones, this friction causes tremendous pain.

At present, there is no permanent cure for Arthritis but with expert care and healing touch, it can be reduced to a great extent. Following are some aids that can help in Arthritis Management including:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Regular exercise
Since there are around 100 different types of Arthritis, there is no specific treatment method, but many Arthritis Management regimes consist of the following techniques/medications:

Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs(in case of Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Biological Treatments
Heat/Cold compress
Joint protection
Joint Replacement Surgery
Dr. Manish Ladhania has been an expert in arthritis management for a long time.