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Aluminium collapsible tube four color offset printing machine

Seller: S.J. Extrusion

This four colour Offset Printing Machine is designed for high quality printing at a high speed, wet on wet. the machine is provided with two bearing brackets, between whch the printing cylinder and the machine is getting device are mounted. Though this the machine getting a stability which ensures, smooth and reliable operation. The inking devices can work together or separately. The machine can be adjusted for three, two or single colour printing. All the machine adjustment points are easily accessible and each printing unit can be set independently of the other. For fine register adjustment is provided with the plate rolls both exisly and radically. the individual rubber inking rolls are easily accessible detachable. The zinc plates are fixed firmly on both ends by means of retaining bars or rolls. The printing blanket is fixed securely at both ends to the printing cylinder and can be easily inserted. The turret hed spindle is indexed be Geneva mechanism which runs in oil bath the shafts of turret head run on antifriction bearings. All the shafts are grinding finish and run on Phosporous bronze bushes. The feeding and take out of tubes are done manually.


Blanket patties
Rubber blanket
Cylinder patties
Brake band
Variable speed
D.C Drives
No tube no print scanners
Automatic feeding devices
Rubber mounting bushes
Rollers Bi part bushes