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Mumbai | New Delhi | Chennai


Agricultural Products, Animal Feed Supplements, Bacteriological Media Ingredients, Nutraceuticals & Food Product, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients & Nutraceuticals,Soya Sauce Manufacturers

Seller: Chaitanya Group of Industries

Chaitanya Group of Industries is a principal manufacturer, supplier and exporter of food and nutraceutical ingredients like Casein Hydrolysate(For stress relief) ,Promilk Powder ( Whey Protein Replacer) Amino Acid Chelates ( Proteinates , Glycinates , Bis Glycinate), Caseinates , Protein Hydrolysate, Soya Isolate and Concentrate and snack and food seasoning ana flavor enhancers like Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP) , Yeast Extract, Malt Extract and, active pharmaceutical ingredients like Iron compounds , Ascorbate, Aspartate, bacteriological media ingredients, cosmetic products, organic agrochemicals , animal and poultry feed supplements. We follow international procedures in manufacturing of our products.