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Advanced Diploma in Digital marketing

Seller: Hiring Cafe

Hiring cafe is one of the best digital marketing course institute in malappuram ,kerala . this course explores several aspects of the new digital marketing environment ,including topic such as digital marketing analytics ,search engine optimaization ,social media marketing ,content marketing
This full-time digital marketing course in Malappuram, Kerala runs over 3-months and includes a personality development program. Students will learn to write attractive content, create campaigns that resonate with their audience, create a cohesive brand, and also learn to use different marketing tools.

In this Advanced digital marketing course, students will grasp the skills and techniques they need to become a top digital marketer. Participants will learn to create, perform, and measure different marketing strategies by using a variety of tools and metrics. Students will work on live projects as they learn to launch campaigns across Google Ads and social media platforms, analyze web data with Google Analytics, and learn about other important digital marketing strategies to get better results.

This course is specially designed for individuals looking to start a career in digital marketing, entrepreneurs looking to start a business and leverage digital marketing, or business owners looking to grow their business using digital marketing techniques.